The JEH Quiz is offered six times per calendar year and is an easily accessible way to earn continuing education (CE) contact hours toward maintaining a credential. Each quiz is worth 1.0 CE and available to active members.
Quiz completion is based on the honor system and should be self-reported by the credential holder. Quizzes published only during a current credential cycle are eligible for CE credit. Credential holders should keep a copy of each completed quiz for their records. CE credit will post to the members MyNEHA account within three business days.
Recent Quizzes
Instructions to Self-Report a JEH Quiz for CE Credit
- Read the featured article and select the correct answer to each JEH Quiz question.
- Log in to MyNEHA.
- Select "Credentials" located at the top of the page.
- Select "Report CEs" from the drop-down menu.
- In the Date Attended field, enter the date the quiz was completed.
- Enter 1.0 in the Length of Course in Hours field.
- In the Description field, enter the activity as "JEH Quiz #, Month Year" (e.g., JEH Quiz 6, May 2022).
- Select the Create button.
Paper quiz submissions are not accepted.