Government Affairs Webinars
Food Safety
Legislation and Policy Trends
During the 2022 legislative session, policymakers made substantive changes in the manner food is prepared and sold in this country, and Congress oversaw and funded the food safety efforts at the FDA, USDA, and CDC. This webinar will review the laws passed and appropriations funded regarding food safety at both the state and federal level. View the recorded webinar to learn more about food safety policy from members of our government affairs and food safety teams. | September 2022 Food Safety Legislation and Policy Trends Webinar
Food Safety Legislation Now and Future
Our Government Affairs Director, Doug Farquhar discusses the more than 750 bills related to food and food safety introduced in state legislatures in 2019, with 132 enacted and 17 adopted into law. Laws in 42 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, DC, were enacted regarding food. New Jersey and New York had the most bills related to the topic (63 and 59, respectively), followed by Hawaii (46). At the opposite end, Alaska and Ohio did not have any bills in 2019 related to food safety. | April 2020 Food Safety Legislation Now and Future
Environmental Justice
Environmental Justice at HHS
One of the foremost concerns of the Biden Administration is rectifying past environmental injustices. Dr. Sharunda Buchanan, interim director for the Office of Environmental Justice within the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity in OASH, spoke on efforts of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to integrate environmental justice into the HHS mission to improve health. Dr. Sharunda Buchanan formerly served as senior advisor of the Environmental Justice Unit within HHS and she brings a wealth of experience to HHS.| August 2022 Environmental Justice at HHS Webinar
Environmental Health
Midterm Election Impact
Our Director of Government Affairs Doug Farquhar breaks down the results of the 2022 election and what it may mean for environmental health. One-third of the US Senate, all of the House of Representatives, 6279 state legislative seats, 36 state governors all were up for election in 2022. Find out how the election results will change Congress and the states, and how that will impact environmental health. | November 2022 Election Impact Webinar
Environmental Health Policy in Federal and State Governments
From credentialing to PFAS to food freedom, environmental health continues to interest and concern policy makers, both at federal and state levels. We are tracking six bills in Congress that impact the environmental health workforce and more than 17,051 bills in the states have been introduced related to environmental health. Our director of Government Affairs discusses trends, appropriations, and bills and policies being reviewed by Congress and the state legislatures. | April 2022 Environmental Health Policy in Federal and State Governments
Environmental Health Workforce Act
In this webinar we heard from Representative Brenda Lawrence (D-Michigan) and Executive Director Dr. David Dyjack as they discussed the reintroduction of the Environmental Health Workforce Act and the impact the law will have on the environmental health profession. | October 2021 Environmental Health Workforce Act | Questions and Answers from the webinar.
Government Affairs: Updates From the Field
Our Director of Government Affairs discusses issues and concerns related to environmental health policy in Congress, the Administration, and states in the U.S. | September 2021
Environmental Health Priorities at CDC, FDA, and EPA Under the Biden Administration
The CDC, FDA, and EPA have ambitious agendas based on the issues that the Biden Administration wants to accomplish. From COVID-19 to Climate Change, each agency will take on many issues they seek to tackle. What will be the main priorities for each agency on environmental health? What policies can we expect? What regulations? Tune in to hear Doug Farquhar, director of Government Affairs, to learn about the priorities for these agencies and how they may impact the environmental health workforce. We partnered with the Business Industry Affiliate to produce this webinar. | January 2021 Environmental Health Priorities at CDC, FDA, and EPA Under the Biden Administration
Environmental Health Within the New Administration and Congress
The Election Season has wrapped up, and it's time for everyone to focus on the agenda for the new Administration and Congress. This webinar covered elements of what may be in store for environmental health come January. Please note that this webinar is sponsored by HealthSpace USA Inc. | December 2020 Environmental Health Within the New Administration and Congress
NFS Council of Public Health Consultants
The NSF Council of Public Health Consultants heard from Director of Government Affairs Doug Farquhar on state legislative summaries of environmental health legislation, including discussions on enacted legislation related to body art, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), toxics and chemicals, and food safety. | September 2020 NFS Council of Public Health Consultants
Bridging the Gaps Between Environmental Quality and Public Health
The Chesapeake Bay Program's Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) hosted a webinar panel discussion on Bridging the Gaps Between Environmental Quality and Public Health. The webinar aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the connections between public health and environmental protection. The panel discussed opportunities for professionals and stakeholders in both fields to bridge the gaps and inform each other's efforts for positive change. | September 2020 Bridging the Gaps Between Environmental Quality and Public Health